Here's my notes from tonight's Community Meeting from NANOG47. Short and sweet, for those who couldn't attend in person. :) Matt 2009.10.18 NANOG 47 community meeting notes NOTES: Joe Provo calls the meeting to order at 1740 hours Eastern Time. Welcome to Dearborn, haven't been here since NANOG 13. Hotel is very, very different. Thanks for coming to the community meeting, and caring enough to show up. AGENDA: Steering Committee Report--Joe Provo Program Committee Report--Dave Meyer Mailing List Committee Report--Kris Foster Marketing Working Group Report--Patrick Gilmore Merit Report--Betty Burke This is an election meeting, later on in the session we'll have candidates for SC come up to speak for a few minutes. The mics are live, they want a dialog, not a lecture. Steering committee members have blue badges. Betty Burke Steve Feldman Kris Foster Patrick. W. Gilmore, etc. Highlights since NANOG 46 elusive network experiment policy reached fruition annual Postel scholarship was awarded (could use additional funding to allow it to continue) Operator of Tomorrow partnership Preparation for this meeting Work on future meetings. Austin, San Francisco, Atlanta finalized and published--next three are in the pipeline Elections--why this is so brief! SC candidates will have a few minutes each here during the Elections portion SC and charter ballot voting is open So are PC and MLC nominations. Get your nominations in now, if you know people who can help contribute. nominations@nanog.org program committee--Dave Meyer review process -- 47 talks, 80 submitted. People submit great ideas, but never submit slides or even outline slides. Program committee openings questions for us? If you know people who would be good for the PC, please nominate them; it takes some amount of time committment, but it's an essential part of making the meetings happen. They try to rate the talks based on what is submitted, but at times, the material submitted is very light, and the final slides don't arrive until very late. They had submissions that weren't complete; why not turn them into lightning talks? That's generally what they do with the short/incomplete ones. Louie--of the people who submitted good topics, they might not want to do the work until they know their outline was accepted... They are notified that their talk has been accepted so they can work on it. Ren notes that sometimes they get similar topics, so they might try to get the two sets of people to work together. Todd Underwood, for context, he'll note that it's a standoff--really good presenters playing chicken with the program committee. If the narrative of the story isn't in the slides, nobody who doesn't know you will understand it from just the slides; you'll need to give some idea of the narrative along with the slides. And the archives are hugely important; make sure the presentation tells the story even if you aren't presenting it. Josh, Rodney, Lane, Todd, and others have done a great job over the years supporting the meetings and reading through Joel Jaeggli, outgoing PC member...the people leaving have generally been around for 2 years. They've been around since the new charter was instituited. Procedures within the PC remain adhoc but not arbitrary reliance on precedent willingness on the part of participants to routinely alter the division of labour responsive to SC input, but not beholden to them (within limits) Transparency The minutes are out there, but nobody but Martin Hannigan reads them...and he stands up to say even he doesn't do that anymore. Points of Friction over the past few years. EArlier availability of agenda: means CFP is earlier, ability to respond to industry events is more constrained, etc. programming of joint activities ARIN SC Distributing ownership of repeating program elements and increasing depth of the bench inclusivenes new program elements. Big Wins Lightning Talks more breadth in presentations now Peering track better representation from more people Newcomers (Ren) Program quality MLC members Randy Epstein Steve Feldman -- SC liason Kris Foster -- Chair Sue Joiner -- Merit Appointee Simon Lyall Updates Policies were updated in August to reflect the thread moderation policy http://www.nanog.org/mailinglist/warningpolicy.php If you have questions/issues with it, raise them on nanog-futures mailing list. Very light since last meeting. A few thread moderations, but not many. 10,448 subscribers currently on the list. Volunteers needed Kris Foster and Simon Lyall's terms are ending Possibly a third seat opening up depending on what gets decided later. If you don't subscribe, read, or post, please tell us why! Marketing Working Group Report -- Patrick What is it? Email updates are sent to NANOG-futures Idea is to raise more money to reduce costs. Need a new chair! New ideas for NANOG 47 and onward Party Promotion party on agenda, tickets handed out at registration mentioned by moderator Water Bottles print name on bottles of water, or to-go cups Break slides name on screen during break nanog-marketing@nanog.org Volunteers It's not as bad as it looks Who wants to help make NANOG better? Merit Report Betty Burke Thanks to the hosts, Merit Network and Arbor Networks This is her first time hosting a NANOG! It is a bit of work to make it happen, it's not just a nothing job. A big thanks to those who have hosted in the past--thanks to Lisa from Arbor for helping with the hosting, it's been a challenging and rewarding effort! Contributors and Sponsors...big slide of people helping keep the registration fees for the conference at a reasonable level. Volunteer help and actual dollars were both forthcoming. Thank you! Merit Staff Onsite -- if you see them in the hallways, thank them--they're already busy planning the next NANOG! Merit Leadership Merit Community Memberss (many university members are able to come and see what the NANOG activity is about since it's back in Michigan now) Attendee List -- online and sortable now! Attendance Stats -- Online good for trending data, SC and PC look at them for planning out venues. Needed for contract negotiations well ahead of time. Meeting Survey -- Online essential that people do fill these out--it really helps shape what direction future meetings will take. Financial -- Year End Highlights. NANOG 46, PHilly Revenues 289k expenses 278k salaries: 119k NANOG 46 balance, $10,869.30 FY 2009 year end audit NANOG44 and NANOG45 difference of $3,512 due to unpaid registrations NANOG46: $10,869.30 Total: $47,853.84 Steve Feldman asks what Merit will do with the $47k? It is carried forward as a basis for future contracts that get written for venues. Todd asks what the total account balance is, if this is fiscal year balance. Joel Jaeggli asks how many contracts they carry? There are 3 in now, and 2 more on the way. So they're about 5x over-leveraged on the account; it's not enough to cover even one contract, really. Future Meetings: NANOG48 Feb 21-24 Austin TX, Foundry and GigaNews NANOG49 June 13-16 San Francisco Netflix NANOG50 Oct 3-6 Atlanta TelX (with ARIN) NANOG51 Feb 2011 Terremark, possibly Miami NANOG52 June 2011 need a host NANOG53 October 2011 Possibly Comcast, possibly philly again? Lowes in Philly? Educause will be there too, so may be more challenging to get a contract. Election process--Betty Burke During the revolution of a few years ago, it was recognized that this needed to move into more of a partnership relationship; and it's been mostly a success, though there's a few challenges that came up. The charter is what guides the actions of all the committees and merit on our behalf. Think about the ballot changes during the elections.
From the charter: 6.4 elections Delections will occur annually, at the last NANOG meeting in a given calendar year. Elections will be held via electronic voting on the NANOG web site during that NANOG meeting, with voting to occur over a period of no less than 48 hours....etc.
The website shows all the dates agreed to back in May; it's run by the SC chair and by Merit, with input solicited from many, many people within the community; it really is a partnership on behalf of the entire community. Per the charter, the registration team puts the logic into the sytem to determine who is eligible to vote in each election. The data is gathered electronically, and then Merit announces the results at the end of NANOG. But with the joint meeting, how do we know when NANOG actually ends this time around? So, we'll stay open on the voting until Weds AM until 9am this time around, with election results announced shortly thereafter. There is a transfer of knowledge that happens with the current SC team meeting the incoming SC team; a new chair for the SC is appointed, and the new program committee is organized, including a new PC chair. Merit helps facilitate and run the elections, but it's all controlled by the charter. Steve is up next. 2009-1: concurrent membership on mailing list and program committees. Summary: removes restrictions preventing membership in both committees simultaneously. 2009-2: change name and duties of mailing list committee Summary: changes the name of "Mailing List Commitee" to the "Communications Committee" and expands the scope to cover other forms of electronic communication 2009-3: clarification of Nomination Procedure Summary: allows any member of the NANOG committee to nominate candidates for the steering committee. So, go out and vote!! SC candidate Statements from those who are present. Steve Feldman, CBS Interactive He's done work on amendment shepherding, he wants to make sure that the SC stays true to the spirit of NANOG, he wants transparency, and he wants to build a stable business model to help keep the meetings affordable for people. Henry Kilmer Dorian Kim Sylvie LaPierre Michael Lucking, Telx He's been involved for years; they've hosted one NANOG already in New York, they'll be hosting another one in Atlanta, and he'd like to get more involved in the community. Christopher Quesada, S&D He's hosted a NANOG in Seattle, NANOG34; also many evening get-togethers; they continue to host and sponsor those, to bring the community together, to help foster the community. He'd like to help make NANOGs easier for people to attend, by looking at some form of annual sponsorship, so a company with multiple employees could pre-pay for the whole year for employees, rather than individual payments. Tom Vest Duane Wessels, Domain Name System Operations Analysis and Research Center He's not a network operator per se, he first came to talk about data analysis, and now he's doing even more of that on the DNS side. Lixia Zhang, UCLA So, go out and vote now! And survey survey survey!! Betty wanted to also recognize that Susan R. Harris is here at the meeting; she's been working on NANOG meetings for many, many years while she was at Merit; make sure you stop by and say hi! If you have questions, come to the mic, and ask! Busses will be out in front starting at 1845 leaving every 10 minutes--so come join us at the social! Meeting wraps up at 1638 hours Pacific time.