-----Original Message----- From: owner-nanog@merit.edu [mailto:owner-nanog@merit.edu]On Behalf Of measl@mfn.org Sent: August 14, 2001 12:10 AM To: Randy Bush Cc: Mitch Halmu; nanog@merit.edu Subject: Re: Affects of the balkanization of mail blacklisting
On Mon, 13 Aug 2001, Randy Bush wrote:
you could be right. i guess it's time i sent them another donation. Save it: the people MAPS has harmed neet it more.
support low-life, slimeball, spammers? ROFL!
No, I'm not talking about the spammers who were caught in maps, I'm referring to the INNOCENTS who were caught in MAPS. If the LEO community acted like MAPS does, there would have been armed revolution in the streets *years ago*.
The INNOCENTS caught in MAPS were usually affiliated with someone guilty in some way in another; eg would Mitch's customers be considered innocent victims of MAPS, even though their victimness is directly due to their decision to do business with someone who is guilty?
MAPS never gave a shit about facts, they cared only about their agenda - no matter who got hurt in the way.
Funny, I could say the same about you: "You never gave a s**t about facts, you cared only about your agenda - no matter who got spammed in the way".
Fuckem. Vixie is a netnazi who would do us all a favor if he just blew what little brains he has left out of his left ear.
Vixie's done a lot of things other than MAPS that have done a lot of good; BIND, anyone? I'm sure there are a bunch of others but exposure to such stupidity as your post has caused my mind to go blank. BTW, if I replaced "Vixie" with "You and Mitch" in that sentence, I think it might reflect the opinion of "us all" a bit better, because lots of us don't seem to mind his existence. Vivien -- Vivien M. vivienm@dyndns.org Assistant System Administrator Dynamic DNS Network Services http://www.dyndns.org/