On 11/3/08, Randy Bush <randy@psg.com> wrote:
if anyone is actually saying anything new here, please point it out. otherwise this seems like a lot of folk rehashing things from 1992 and every year since, trying to demonstrate how smart they are, which demonstrates how smart they are not.
With all due respect, Randy, we're rehashing the thread because the people who *were* around in 1992 failed miserably at fixing these issues then. Perhaps the new crop of people rehashing these issues will figure out a solution that eluded those who had the discussion in 1992, and we can fix the underlying problems so that the discussion need not continue happening every year. Until the underlying issues are fixed, though, I think it's useful to continue discussing and hashing out the problems in the hopes that we can make some forward progress towards solving the underlying issues. Asking people to not talk about areas of the network that are broken because you've heard it all before sounds like a very bad case of osterich-itis. If it's broke, let's try to fix it, not sit around doing our best trying not to talk about it. Matt