On Sat, 14 Jul 2012 10:14:08 -0400, Andrew Sullivan said:
On Sat, Jul 14, 2012 at 01:06:59AM -0500, Doug McIntyre wrote:
Not sure why you'd be worried about a 10-year renewal, any registrar transfer just add on time to existing expiration, you don't lose anything.
This isn't true in ICANN-contracted registries. The maximum period is 10 years, absolutely, so if you have 10 years to go and you pay for a transfer you lose the additional year's payment.
Oh, come *on* guys. How much does a bleeping domain *cost*? Under what conditions does "zomg I'm gonna lose the other 9 years" actually outweigh the aggrivation? Either you're paying $8.95 a year, at which point obsessing about it for more than an hour costs more than the domain, or you;re paying $100 a year for some premium support that you're obviously not getting - at which point it's obvious you've made a bad business decision and you should cut your losses. (Yes, I know the *real* problem is getting your business offfice to issue payment to the new registrar, and then fixing your internal procediures and documentation to match what the new regisrar wants. and the other real problem is that the registrar race to the bottom means *none* of them do everything you need/want...)