It seems to me that there are technical reasons to try and block .local, and maybe some other potential TLDs, but that for .exe, .smtp, and other choices that confuse current browser implementations, a warning note is about all the registrant can expect. Of course, it would not surprise me if people are right now going through web logs and search logs and saying, hmm, .smtp and .exe occur so often, they would make GREAT TLDs. Regards Marshall On Jun 30, 2008, at 8:28 AM, David Conrad wrote:
On Jun 30, 2008, at 12:36 AM, Matthew Petach wrote:
If my company pays for and registers a new TLD, let's call it "smtp" for grins, and I create an A record for "smtp." in my top level zone file, how will users outside my company resolve and reach that address?
I suspect the assumption is that no one will actually do this since it would have operational issues (as you note) and it would be challenging to recover costs in the "traditional" manner (i.e., selling names under the TLD). If someone were to try, perhaps it would demonstrate the quote "stupidity, like virtue, is its own reward"?
Regards, -drc