In message <011301c1d4ad$b5676f10$2028a8c0@carpenter>, "Peter Galbavy" writes:
OK - As a knowledgeable bunch, maybe you lot can give me pointers.
A customer / friend phoned me last night saying that I sent him a virus by e-mail. Now, I am far more careful than that - at least I hope. It turned out that it wasn't me, but a forgery. Now, that is not unusual, but what is that the recipient is someone I know.
There are worms out there (such as Nimda.E) that use Outlook address books not just for lists of victims, but also as "From:" addresses. In other words, your involvement might be having sent email to someone else who is infected. --Steve Bellovin, http://www.research.att.com/~smb Full text of "Firewalls" book now at http://www.wilyhacker.com