On Wed, 30 Oct 1996 08:26:58 -0600 (CST) alan@mindvision.com (Alan Hannan) alleged:
You are assuming that the goal of all internet service providers is to have the best connectivity possible, without respect for cost, administrative overhead, or market strategy.
True :-)
If X is really really big, and Y is really really small, then perhaps it would benefit X to have Y as a paying customer instead of as a peer.
The word peer implies equals, as it has so long been repeated.
If provider X is missing 0.01% of the market share, and provider Y is missing 20% of the market share, who will be more upset, I ask..
Well I feel that the 2 providers mentioned are both reasonably sized enough to peer with each other, judging a peering policy on how many NAP's one is connected to is, in my opinion, the policy of the mad. Neil. -- Neil J. McRae. Alive and Kicking. E A S Y N E T G R O U P P L C neil@EASYNET.NET NetBSD/sparc: 100% SpF (Solaris protection Factor) Free the daemon in your <A HREF="http://www.NetBSD.ORG/">computer!</A>