After making fun of the FBI for mostly keeping us up to date on important dates in history, did you know April 19 is the anniversary of battle of Cambridge between American Minutemen the British in 1775? Is there any date between 1775-1783 that some battle didn't take place somewhere? I thought I would compliment the FBI on their new publication. CyberNotes is a bi-weekly publication of the National Infrastructure Protection Center reporting on (I won't use the word hacker) exploit scripts, viruses, and other cyber vulnerabilities. For those network security folks who keep close track of these things, there may not be much new information. The FBI isn't going to tell you anything you couldn't find yourself on the public Internet. But for the rest of us, it is a nice summary of what's new. Knowing the difficulty the FBI has had in releasing any information over the last few years, this is truely a heroic effort by somebody at the NIPC. Good Start. http://www.nipc.gov/ under publications. -- Sean Donelan, Data Research Associates, Inc, St. Louis, MO Affiliation given for identification not representation