On Thu, Apr 23, 2009 at 08:17:07PM +0800, Adrian Chadd wrote:
On Thu, Apr 23, 2009, William Allen Simpson wrote:
Some wag around here re-christened it the IVTF (V stands for Vendor, not Victory). ;-) I haven't bothered to go in years....
If the people with operational experience stop going, you can't blame the group for being full of vendors.
Methinks its time a large cabal of network operators should represent at IETF and make their opinions heard as a collective group. That would be how change is brought about in a participative organisation, no? :)
Operator participation in IETF has been a problem for at least 18 years. I remember a fairly large dustup w/ John Curran and Scott Bradner over why the OPS area was so lacking in actual operators at the Columbus IETF. Its never gotten any better. IETF used to be populated by developers and visionaries (grad students with lofty ideas). Once commercialization set in (they graduated and got jobs) their funding sources changed from government grants to salaries. And management took a more active role. the outcome is that vendors now control much of the IETF participation and indirectly control IETF output. just my 0.02 from the cheap seats. --bill