I have had a decent amount of success with Nagios. It is not trivial to setup, but once it is up and running, it has always handled our dependencies and such very well. Additionally, because it calls external programs to do the checks, it is pretty simple to write a script that measures whatever value you would like to monitor. As I said before, it is a pain to set up initially, but after getting it set up, I couldn't be happier with it. Ashe Canvar wrote:
Hi All,
I want a simple backbone monitor for my 5 datacenters. My "backbone" consists of redundant IPSEC/GRE tunnnels.
At the very least I want to ping, traceroute and transfer a small file every few minutes over all IPSEC links. I am sure there are products that do this already, but I am having a hard time finding any.
The display format should be noc-friendly. A basic grid with green/red status indicators at the least. Geographical maps a plus.
Do most of you use a home grown tool for this monitoring and alerting ?
Regards, Ashe
-- Josh Cheney jcheney@mfx.net http://www.joshcheney.com