No. Thats not because of ordb. Because you see, if hotmail or these other providers were using ORDB (they sure as hell arent) none of the subscribers to those srevices would be getting ANY email at all. There's some other issue with your IP. And it is an issue that multiple providers are seeing NAT gateway and mailserver IP on the same interface, for instance? Or an overactive marketing department with a newsletter? Or an ISP with outbound spam problems from compromised user PCs? srs On Thu, Apr 3, 2008 at 8:07 PM, Fox, Thomas <tfox@expertsmi.com> wrote:
In the last 10 days or so, ever since ORDB re-activated itself and blacklisted everything, we have had deliverability problems to:
MSN Hotmail Bellsouth AT&T (the same as Bellsouth I think) Yahoo Detroit Edison
In the case of MSN and Hotmail, they told us they were using Symantec's Brightmail filtering system.
So, does that mean Brightmail is not updating their system properly, or MSN/Hotmail is not updating their Brightmail?
Seems like a huge waste of everyone's time because some LARGE network operators can't keep their stuff updated.
-- Suresh Ramasubramanian (ops.lists@gmail.com)