You're not wrong, but you're not right for two reasons. I believe the OP really wants a "transparent" service. It could be a true wave, but it could also be a 10G channel muxed on a 100G service. The properties they probably really care about are a raw bitstream and guaranteed bandwidth. In the world of marketing and sales speek with carriers this is a "wavelength" service, even if it's not a true wavelength. Indeed, these services are often made up of different underlying services end to end, a dark fiber tail, a Nx10G local transport, muxed on to an Nx100G long haul transport, and in reverse on the other end. On the technical side of things there are plenty of carriers with Nx10G systems across country that have not upgraded them to Nx100G for any number of reasons, often they are 40-80% full of paying customers and profitable. They are quite happy to sell an additional 10G wave and get more money out of their sunk cost. Indeed, if you want a wave on the right path (read, paid for, with plenty of free capacity) you can get waves for rock bottom prices. To the OP's original point, major carriers that offer this class of service include Level 3, CenturyLink, Zayo, and XO. Depending on location there are regional carriers like LightTower, specialzed providers IX Reach, or possibly even your favorite colocation provider like Equinix or CoreSite. There's probably at least 30 more, many don't advertise these services widely (low margin, requires clued customer) but if you ask they are available. -- Leo Bicknell - bicknell@ufp.org PGP keys at http://www.ufp.org/~bicknell/