Dorian hasn't configured <cisco-nsp-request> as an automatic majordomo alias, so requests sent there end up in his mail queue; just pretend it doesn't exist. In a previous message, dave o'leary wrote:
From owner-nanog@merit.edu Sat Dec 21 22:04:42 1996
Subscriptions are via majordomo to cic.net, i.e.
send mail to <Majordomo@cic.net> with the following command in the body of your email message:
subscribe cisco-nsp <your email address>
Alternatively, you can send to
with the command "subscribe" in the body of the message.
-- David Carmean <dlc@avtel.net> Avtel Communications, Santa Barbara, CA +1-805-730-7740 Opinions herein are those of the author only, unless otherwise noted