| As for routing loops we all know whom to thank for the wise | decision to give packet forwarding higher priority than to | handling routing updates
Ugh! Took, like, four years. Do they do silicon switching into black hole now, too? And allow to squash trivial loops by providing means to say "don't send packets back on the same interface"? | and for using textual regexp matching in policy evaluation, too.
Also fixed.
You mean cacheing? That's not exactly "fix", that's workaround. I don't think it works when you change filter and restart the session. The real fix would be to implement something saner than doing regexps (hint -- you never really need backtracking when you match AS paths to policies).
C'mon, beat up on cisco for things that are STILL broken, not for things that have been fixed after being discovered as problems.
I always thought it's more productive not to create silly problems in the first place. I guess i'm lagging on what constitutes the current set of silly problems, though i admit i sleep much better since i stopped worrying about them. --vadim