Sorry to follow-up on myself, but I just now realized that I made a small omission in my earlier post. I indicated that AS205944 (MediaClick, LLC) had previously hijacked the block. That is true, but it may perhaps have led some people to incorrectly conclude that AS205944 was not -currently- hijacking anything. Unfortunately, nothing could be further from the truth. As shown here https://bgp.he.net/AS205944#_prefixes and as archived here: http://i.imgur.com/gkW6LUh.png AS205944 is currently announcing 13 IPv4 routes, all of which, except for the five that are for blocks legitimately allocated to either Marketigames, LLC or to Mint Company, LLP appear to be hijacked sub-parts of various legacy ARIN blocks. So, to set the record straight, AS205944 is *currently* engaged in a whole lotta hijacking, as we speak. I should also mention that MediaClick, LLC is actually a defunct Wyoming LLC. It has been struck off the rolls of active Wyoming companies for having failed to pay even its (minimal) Wyoming corporate taxes. RIPE NCC, in its infinite wisdom, will no doubt allow it to continue to exist, and to hold various number resources, indefinitely, but as far as the law is concerned it no longer exists. (The contact phone number for this ASN, as shown in the RIPE WHOIS record for AS205944 is also D.O.A. and probably has been for some time now. Perhaps forever. It may perhaps -never- have worked. RIPE NCC can't be bothered to ever actually check such things.) The good news is that corporate documents archived on the Wyoming Secretary of State's web site indicate clearly and persuasively the identity of the guy behind MediaClick, LLC. That is apparently a frenchman by the name of Mathieu Jean Guillaume, <m.guillaume42@gmail.com>, who is also, apparently the proprietor of a couple of other French companies, i.e. ClicMe, SARL and also something called "YAQ Production" (yaqproduction.com) which appears to have one of these perpetual "under construction" web sites. (Apparently, Mathieu Jean Guillaume fancies himself as a budding film producer. Maybe he could be that, someday, if he ever decides to stop being a lame-ass low-life spammer and hijacker.) Sadly, this schmuck is probably a distant relative of mine. I may perhaps email him and ask why he was unable or unwilling to find some honest way of making a living, and why he turned to Internet crime instead. In the meantime, I repeat my suggestion that everyone who can do so should immediately de-peer from AS203040, which appears to be the roots of all this evil. Regards, rfg