Jim Fleming writes:
Someone claimed that they could not access the public Root Name Server operated by Paul Vixie and supported by the U.S. Government and the National Science Foundation
No one claimed that but you.
via the InterNIC by the inclusion of the address of that server in the root.cache file provided by the NSF/InterNIC.
Paul Vixie, the sys admin, for that server replied that he could not see why this would be the case.
I asked Paul if he ever filters people's traffic to that public Root Name Server. There has been no answer.
If you asked him if he was a child molester, would he have reason to answer? Its not like the person asking was someone worth reading. For all I know, he has you in his email kill file -- I certainly had you in my kill file for long enough. Jim, you are a known spewer of nonsense. No one takes anything you say seriously, from your email address that references you being at "galaxy zero, stargate zero", to your "IPv8" delusion, to anything else you say.
In my opinion, the U.S. Government and the NSF need to investigate these matters.
You have many opinions. Why anyone should pay attention to any of them is beyond me. Perry