31 Mar
31 Mar
11:16 p.m.
WTF? can anyone please explain me why must I enclose my address between the "<>"? 220 cassiopeia.remeyewear.com ESMTP service helo me.intercom.com.sv 250 cassiopeia.remeyewear.com talking to ip168-243-227-1 .243.227.171]) mail from:postmaster@intercom.com.sv 553 5.5.2 Bad command format(h) mail from: postmaster@intercom.com.sv 553 5.5.2 Bad command format(h) mail from:<postmaster@intercom.com.sv> 250 OK - mail from <postmaster@intercom.com.sv> quit 221 cassiopeia.remeyewear.com connection Connection to host lost. -- Miguel Mata-Cardona Intercom El Salvador mmata@intercom.com.sv voz: ++(503) 278-5068 fax: ++(503) 265-7024