In message <199805142006.OAA21080@slack.xmission.com>, you write:
(Of course neither of these is a substitute for doing the telnet from your trusted laptop)
Speaking of, does anyone have a recommendation for a simple VT100 capable laptop? I currently use this PowerBook 5500 which takes forever to boot and currently has a bad battery that goes to sleep all the time. 99% of the time I'm using it, I'm using it in Z-Term. I wish there was a laptop with a nice keyboard that did just serial terminal access.
I use an HP4000C that I bought refirbished off surplusdirect for $800, runs DOS and Telix, makes a great terminal. Specs: o 486DX4-100 o 8 meg (expandable to 32) o 540 meg HD (~480 usable, the rest is for the 'hard sleep' partition, where it writes mem to disk before the battery dies). o 640x480 color LCD, I don't remember the type of LCD (dual scan, etc) but it is perfectly usable in 'text' mode. -- Michael Parson Systems Administrator SMARTNAP Corp.