X-PGP Fingerprint: E762 AFB2 1047 FF4F 4B4D 5CBA 5816 31BF 35F3 A4A5 X-Sender: rlevally@cias.net X-Mailer: QUALCOMM Windows Eudora Pro Version 3.0.3 (32) Date: Tue, 28 Oct 1997 20:22:28 -0600 To: nanog@merit.edu From: "L. Reynolds LeVally" <rlevally@cias.net> Subject: Re: Spam Control Considered Harmful In-Reply-To: <> References: <199710290053.AA05148@world.std.com> <Pine.SGI.3.96.971028113733.7727A-100000@master.netasset.com> <19971028111523.09658@priori.net> <Pine.SGI.3.96.971028113733.7727A-100000@master.netasset.com> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" X-Info: AUP http://www.cias.net/aup.htm At 08:22 PM 10/28/97 -0500, Phil Lawlor wrote:
I agree with the fundamental principle, however, some people are making money at UBE without regard to who, or how many people they piss off. The money is being made in selling software to do spamming, or running services that spam. At AGIS, we've seen it all. Address mungers, relay hijackers, bcc bombers, etc.
Phil Lawlor President AGIS Voice - 313-730-1130 Fax - 313-563-6119
I would suggest that AGIS continues to make money harboring spammers. Since your NOC ignores these complaints, I assume that you want my log files directed instead to your personal mailbox. LR LeVally Internet Services Manager Camelot Corp.