BTW - I have not studied the RFC's - so what will IPv6 do for us in the contect of routeing aggregation and latger boxes etc ?
Couple of observations:
1. The ability to aggregate routing information depends on how addresses are assigned, but does not depend on whether addresses are 32 bits wide or 128 bits wide.
2. IPv6 address allocation architecture (see draft-ietf-ipngwg-unicst-addr-allo-01.txt) is the same as IPv4. (just so that folks who read this note would have no doubts, the IPv6 Address Allocation Architecture document was written by Tony Li and myself - the same people who wrote the CIDR Address Allocation Architecture document).
In the area of routing aggregation IPv6 will do for us *exactly the same* as what IPv4 does.
With one notable exception.... No allocation legacies. That is there aren't any old badly-distributed ipv6 addresses floating around. This means that ipv6 aggregation should be substantially more effective than ipv4 CIDR has been.