25 Mar
25 Mar
11:35 p.m.
In article <3D7D0845-CB25-4C05-8FAB-F5728C8602DD@heliacal.net> you write:
The OP doesn't have control over the reverse DNS on the AT&T 6rd.
Ah, OK, you're saying that their IPv6 isn't ready for prime time.
One would hope that with IPv6 this would change, but the attitude of looking down on end subscribers has been around forever.
It has nothing to do with looking down on "subscribers" and everything to do with practicality. When 99,9% of mail sent directly from consumer IP ranges is botnet spam, and I think that's a reasonable estimate, we have better things to do than to spend a lot of our money expensively filtering that spam for the benefit of the GWL who is too cool to relay through a mail server with a real name. R's, John