Hi, On Sat, Dec 27, 2014 at 05:15:13PM +0100, Anders L??winger wrote:
On 2014-12-22 16:27, Tarko Tikan wrote:
Our access network is mix of DSL/GPON/wimax/p2p-ETH and broadband service is deployed in shared service vlans. IPv6 traffic shares vlan with IPv4.
How do you protect customers from each other?
There are many nasty IPv6 attacks you can do when on a shared VLAN.
true, but some (most) of them only apply in networks where multicasting/ND is fully supported which is not necessarily the case in the above type of networks. and, from what I understand, in their scenario RAs are not sent to link-local scope all nodes (ff02::1), so that would eliminate another attack vector (depending on the actual processing of RAs on the CPEs). best Enno
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