Elad Cohen wrote : Mr. Ronald Guilmette It is hinted from your tongue-lashing, that you are connected clearly with Spamhaus and ARIN
What a joke, given the sour relation between him and ARIN and his very public views about enforcing the law of the land locally. Ronald may be tilting at windmills at times and not be the most polite person, but I don't doubt his motives.
Matt Corallo wrote : Come on dude, you could just respond with the requested LoAs and purchase agreements and yet instead you threaten lawsuits. No one with half a brain even skimming this thread will conclude that you're innocent in this matter (a lapse in accuracy or two here and there by Mr Guilmette notwithstanding). Take your useless grandstanding elsewhere.
Richard Golodner wrote : Mr. Guilmette, my curiosity has now been increased as I notice Cogent is no longer supplying routing for the /16's you have spoken of. [..] I have never seen Cogent behave in this manner unless there really is some nefarious activity in regards to the blocks in question.
I would second that, and it depends on your definition of nefarious. Cogent will route any block you pay them to, even if you had to kill their own mother to obain it. As long as you pay. I suspect there is a financial aspect in that. The little popcorn we see in here does not strike me as a good enough reason for Cogent to dump a paying customer. Michel. TSI Disclaimer: This message and any files or text attached to it are intended only for the recipients named above and contain information that may be confidential or privileged. If you are not the intended recipient, you must not forward, copy, use or otherwise disclose this communication or the information contained herein. In the event you have received this message in error, please notify the sender immediately by replying to this message, and then delete all copies of it from your system. Thank you!...