On Sun, Jun 12, 2011 at 22:48, Chris Adams <cmadams@hiwaay.net> wrote:
Once upon a time, Eugeniu Patrascu <eugen@imacandi.net> said:
I need 100Mbs at home because I want to see a streamed movie NOW, not in a month because someone considers broadband a luxury :) Pretty simple usage scenario I might say.
The top profile for Blu-Ray is 36 megabits per second, and that is not used on most titles. Over-the-air HDTV is 19 megabits or less. Cable HD channels are often only 12-15 megabits per second. OTA and cable HD is typically MPEG2, and MPEG4 can reach similar quality in half the bandwidth, which means TV quality HD can be 6-10 megabits per second.
Even though, my point stands. I don't want to wait forever for stuff to load just because a dialup should be enough for browsing :)