Randy, I suspect it would help some of us small incompetent ISPs if you could provide a pointer to where *you* would have successfully found the NOC phone number. That way we could all deal with problems right away without adding more traffic to this list, and we could add this to one of these "how to be an ISP" FAQs, too. -matthew kaufman matthew@scruz.net Original message <m0vvShi-0007zZC@rip.psg.com> From: randy@psg.com (Randy Bush) Date: Feb 14, 10:49 Subject: Re: root server update
So now everyone will start sending test DNS requests to the servers and overload them even further.
What do you expect for folk who call people at home because they can't figure out how to call a NOC?
Welcome to the new "I am sooooo important that thinking is not required" internet.
randy -- End of excerpt from Randy Bush