[thanks for the subject change Patrick] Actually, it was obvious that you mean residential access. However, it appears that you are trying to equivicate "residential" and "cheap." It ain't necessarily so. I still say, you get what you pay for. There are always alternatives, but most people are unwilling to pay for them. There is not moral good/bad value to that point - it simply *is*. Sometimes the layer 2 choice will limit your choice of layer 3 providers - that is simply part of the price. This fact will not change regardless of the number of people with <pick any specific layer 2 connection> coming into their house (or business). Back to the original point: only buy bandwidth from folks that provide you with the value you seek. A cheap provider that isn't blocked by the RBL is perfect if you don't need to talk with folks on networks that subscribe to the RBL. You might need to pay more to get to a provider that isn't blocked... John On Mon, Oct 29, 2001 at 01:57:41PM -0500, Christopher A. Woodfield wrote:
In case it wasn't obvious from my first post, I'm talking about residential access here. Aside from those who get their employer to pay for it (and even /then/ there's rarely a choice of providers), how many people have T1s coming into their homes?
If you are in a place where DSL works, you can most likely get a T1 to any provder you wish. Pick one that doesn't get placed on the RBL.
-- John Osmon john@osmon.net