On Mon, 11 Aug 1997, some anonymous source wrote:
the program you are referring to is smurf.c which i believe was already discussed on this list.
I knew that...but I'd forgotten the name of the program.
the answer to the problem is the fact that there are hard coded broadcast addresses within the programs. the people who are taking out servers from irc are the idiots who would not know how to change these.
This may be true, but what's to stop the writers of smurf and the other programs from distributing version 2 with all new network addresses? Fixing the 119 networks used to attack FDT will help, but I doubt it will solve the problem. Here's a sorted list of the networks used to attack FDT (pulled from my 1.5mb of tcpdump data which was just a brief sample of the data from our attack Sunday. If any of them belong to you, shame on you. The really interesting ones are the and sources. 18:55:54.836177 > icmp: echo reply (ttl 245, id 61586) 18:55:55.816177 > icmp: echo reply (ttl 249, id 4 Are these just misconfigured devices on some network from the list below? I suppose for bonus points, I could write a script to get the contact addresses from as many of these as possible and email them a note about how they're being used for network attacks. 0.0.0 4.0.1 4.0.144 4.0.84 38.146.219 128.101.101 128.101.233 128.101.87 128.102.18 128.135.181 128.135.23 128.161.1 128.190.156 129.16.1 129.237.128 129.237.129 129.237.130 129.237.131 129.237.2 129.237.80 129.237.83 129.237.86 129.237.87 129.241.181 129.241.56 129.241.57 129.43.7 130.132.1 130.132.143 130.132.159 131.119.0 131.119.58 134.24.38 134.84.254 136.142.185 136.142.254 137.39.130 137.39.136 137.39.166 137.39.184 144.228.20 144.232.8 160.147.28 163.179.230 165.154.1 166.48.35 170.140.3 170.140.35 170.140.4 170.140.5 170.140.6 192.160.127 192.88.114 192.9.9 193.10.85 198.137.140 198.163.155 198.3.101 198.41.0 198.53.119 198.53.145 198.53.33 198.53.44 198.80.46 199.0.154 199.0.216 199.166.6 199.183.24 199.199.93 199.227.0 199.227.28 199.242.23 204.112.14 204.162.96 204.186.0 204.186.95 204.225.245 204.50.176 204.7.246 204.7.247 204.70.59 204.71.242 205.147.225 205.149.75 205.150.207 205.150.221 205.164.8 205.177.10 205.177.4 205.211.8 205.211.9 205.252.5 205.253.29 206.102.224 206.129.122 206.13.28 206.141.250 206.161.255 206.170.28 206.171.128 206.222.98 206.54.225 206.98.160 207.107.244 207.137.200 207.154.150 207.171.87 207.181.65 207.19.74 207.216.162 207.240.8 207.25.16 207.51.36 207.67.241 207.91.124 209.12.0 209.20.130 209.82.1 255.255.255 ------------------------------------------------------------------ Jon Lewis <jlewis@fdt.net> | Unsolicited commercial e-mail will Network Administrator | be proof-read for $199/message. Florida Digital Turnpike | ______http://inorganic5.fdt.net/~jlewis/pgp for PGP public key____