You gotta be kidding. When was the last time that you talked to a sales engineer? Most of those (generalizing here, so obviously there are exceptions) aren't any good at engineering but have learned the buzzwords. There is a reason why they aren't doing systems work. People just come in all shapes. Some honest some not. Doesn't matter what proffession or title. Sales people generally don't really know enough to lie even when they do. Dirk On Mon, Aug 23, 1999 at 11:24:36AM -0500, Stephen Sprunk wrote:
I think that most of us act as ethically as management permits. There's a reason why vendors bring an "engineer" along on sales calls; customers have a very solid understanding that nobody else (sales, marketing, etc) can be trusted. That's not to say every "engineer" is without ulterior motives, but they're virtually guaranteed to be the most ethical people you'll meet at any company.
What happens when a civil engineer refuses to certify a bridge is safe? What happens when a network engineer refuses to certify a network will work? Why is there a difference, and what can we do about it?
Stephen "Engineer" Sprunk
Stephen Sprunk, K5SSS, CCIE#3723 Network Consulting Engineer Cisco NSA Dallas, Texas, USA e-mail:ssprunk@cisco.com Pager: +1 800 365-4578 Empowering the Internet Generation
----- Original Message ----- From: J.D. Falk To: Vadim Antonov Cc: david@brouda.com ; nanog@merit.edu Sent: Monday, August 23, 1999 10:48 Subject: Re: "Engineer" (Was: Tech contact for Qwest?)
On 08/22/99, Vadim Antonov <avg@kotovnik.com> wrote:
David Brouda <david@brouda.com> wrote:
Now, I have mentioned three key words: engineer, professional, and
As a student of engineering, I believe that these three words go hand-in-hand.
The facts that somebody is being professional, educated and ethical does not guarantee that he has any idea of what he is doing. The catch is that a clueless person is generally unware that he's clueless, so he can be quite eithcal and professional in what he thinks he is doing. Watch the hordes of ATM zealots - many of them with very impressive credentials. Does not make their "contribution" any more worthwhile.
Yeah, but at least they have a code of ethics. Where'd ours go?
---------========== J.D. Falk <jdfalk@cybernothing.org> =========--------- | OKINA MAKETSU IPPAI NO UISUKI, ONEGAI SHIMASU! | ----========== http://www.cybernothing.org/jdfalk/home.html ==========----