L. Sassaman: Tuesday, June 27, 2000 1:52 PM
On Tue, 27 Jun 2000, Roeland Meyer (E-mail) wrote:
But, as a previous poster already brought to surface, the users must have an interest in this service or NONE of the ISPs will be interested in deployment. The reason that existing PKI sucks is mainly a lack of serious user interest. There are NO production-level PKI servers out there today. None of them will commit to an SLA and there are too few customers that will pay the required bucks to support a decent SLA, for a PKI infrastructure. Build it and they will NOT come, yet.
I see it is not the software quality (Highware and Marc Horowitz's folks have also done an excellent job on their servers) but in the hardware and network resources allocated to the public keyserver network.
I think that was my point. Resources get determined by whatever it takes to meet a reasonable SLA.