I last played with Huawei routers about 10 years ago and it looked very much like IOS. Interesting that they have changed. Also interesting that you don't like Alcatel's TiMOS - I prefer it to IOS, and find it comparable to Junos. I suppose we all have our own tastes... Jonathon -----Original Message----- From: Jack Bates [mailto:jbates@brightok.net] Sent: Wednesday, 7 March 2012 5:51 a.m. To: nanog@nanog.org Subject: Re: Huawei edge routers.. On 3/6/2012 4:20 AM, Saku Ytti wrote:
I've not looked if they do netconf or whatnot, but that wasn't really my point. My point was, your system doesn't complain to you daily that working with huawei CLI is more annoying than IOS.
On the other hand, if you hop into other people's Huawei routers via CLI you will curse and scream. As close as I could tell, it handles most functionality of IOS, but they tried to find a synonym for every word cisco used in the cli. I thought working in Alcatel was bad compared to IOS/Junos, but Huawei definitely is up there as bad. Communicating with their installers in a multi-vendor environment left a lot to be desired. Their documentation was somewhat readable. In general, it is like all the other vendors. A ton of research to make sure the product does exactly what you want it to do, testing and adapting engineering plans based on what it will actually do. Extremely long delays in fixing any bugs or problems which you can't resolve yourself. Jack (spends too much time in cli, needs a versatile translation system for quick contract work). This email and attachments: are confidential; may be protected by privilege and copyright; if received in error may not be used, copied, or kept; are not guaranteed to be virus-free; may not express the views of Kordia(R); do not designate an information system; and do not give rise to any liability for Kordia(R).