Raymond Burkholder wrote:
On 2020-02-23 5:26 a.m., Dmitry Sherman wrote:
Anybody working with Quagga for production peering with multiple peers and dynamic eBGP/iBGP announcement?
Free Range Routing (FRR) forked Quagga a few years back. I would say it is the new Quagga.
But either flavour handles multiple peers and full routing tables / DFZ with aplomb.
VYOS was Quagga, but now incorporates FRR, and is a good routing workhorse.
PfSense, too. https://blog.vyos.io https://cumulusnetworks.com/blog/free-range-routing-anniversary/ https://www.cloudscale.ch/en/news/2017/11/27/new-border-routers-with-frr https://www.theregister.co.uk/2017/04/04/quagga_open_source_routing_resuscit... https://mum.mikrotik.com/presentations/US19/presentation_6721_1554447941.pdf https://www.zdnet.com/article/internet-experiment-goes-wrong-takes-down-a-bu... <= Used by players as the bgp speaker on edge network nodes. Article is of the 'famous' experiment from last year. Were use of an experimental BGP code. Caused FRR bgp speakers to crash. The code error was since be corrected as an emergency hot-fix. https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=18552425 -- Best regards, Chriztoffer