3 Feb
3 Feb
1:07 a.m.
Not very active lately.
To: <listproc@hack-track.com>
subscribe hack-track subscribe hack-track-announce
Hi, As the owner of the list, heres my .02 . I was under the impression at the time that no such list existed. People said I was wrong. I've yet to find one still that is intended to do what hack-track does. The SECURITYFOCUS list "Vuln-Dev" does some of this, but not all. I seriously would like to see the list used, and would commit 24*7 resources to it should it take off. Tuc/TTSG
-bryan ------------
On Wed, 2 Feb 2000, Dan Hollis wrote:
Is there an 'early warning' mailing list for up-to-the-minute alerts about in-progress DoS attacks, portscanning, etc?