From time to time this thread pops up. I found something which looked interesting and the price was right. I bought one and WOW! It is VERY impressive stuff for any price especially considering how cheap it was. I purchased 10 individual temperature sensors and two temp/humidity sensors, and the SNMP Ethernet module. From unpacking the box to installing the eight sensors in the inlet and outlet ducting of our four A/C units, two more to the inside of two server racks and yet two more to the UPS and general rack areas for ambient temp/humidity monitoring to setting up MRTG graphing and SNMP traps total time was under 4 hours! Very nice stuff. It works out of the box with minimal setup and no fabrication, or development/programming needed. All of this for $445.00 delivered!!! I'm going to order a spare because I like the equipment so much and it is so cheap. http://dcf.sk/microweb/snmpmain.html -Robert Tellurian Networks - The Ultimate Internet Connection http://www.tellurian.com | 888-TELLURIAN | 973-300-9211 "Good will, like a good name, is got by many actions, and lost by one." - Francis Jeffrey