26 Dec
26 Dec
5:56 p.m.
On Mon, 26 Dec 2011 12:32:46 EST, Ray Soucy said:
2011/12/26 Masataka Ohta <mohta@necom830.hpcl.titech.ac.jp>:
And, if RA is obsoleted, which is a point of discussion, there is no reason to keep so bloated ND only for address resolution.
By who? Sources please. A few people on NANOG complaining about RA is pretty far from deprecation of RA.
Especially when some of the biggest IPv6 networks out there are still using it pretty heavily. (C''mon you guys, *deploy* already. It's pretty sad when people are arguing about stuff like this, and a frikkin' cow college out in the boonies pushing 300-400mbits/sec of IPv6 off-campus is still a "large" deployment. It's embarassing for the industry as a whole)