To: IETF Announce NANOG list From: IETF OPS ADs Date: xx Subject: OPS-NM Interim Meeting All, At the last IETF OPS Area Open meeting we started a good discussion between the OPS NM folk and some Operators. We would like to continue that discussion and so we are planning an OPS-NM Interim, or you could also say Net Management Protocol Folk and Net Operators - Reality Check #2 We consider it an IETF Interim Meeting for the OPS-AREA Network Management people so that we can meet with real operators to try and understand their needs and to explain to them how we think that our NM related work in the IETF can help them to manage their networks. We probably need to have similar sessions in the future to meet with people who operate enterprise networks, because their requirements may be different. We are still working on the agenda, however below you will find a prelimenary agenda proposal. Any suggestions should be sent to Randy and Bert (bwijnen@lucent.com) We have limited space for this meeting. Those who plan to attend, pls send a short email to Bert Wijnen, bwijnen@lucent.com to let us know. Bert and Randy -------------- OPS-NM Interim Meeting details ------------------ The plan is to have this meeting immediately following the next NANOG meeting, namely NANOG 22. That means: May 20-22 NANOG 22, ends around 5pm on 22nd May 22-23 OPS-NM Interim, starts on 22nd 7pm So we plan to meet 7-10pm on 22nd 9-1pm 23rd possibly 2-4pm 23rd too. NANOG 22 and OPS-NM Interim will be in Scottsdale Arizona, USA, in the Doubltree Paradise Valley. For NANOG and hotel registration, pls visit: www.nanog.org The hotel rate ($119) for NANOG can also be used for OPS-NM, that is if you attend NANOG as well. It may not apply if you only stay for OPS-NM (note OPS-NM is not yet known at the DoubleTree as a meeting identifier), but we have heard even lower rates if NANOG is not mentioned. Prelimenary Agenda ------------------ - Agenda bashing and intro - From SNMP people - How can SNMP and MIBs help manage your network - New developments SNMPCONF and EOS - Operator experience with SNMP - how it has been and is being used - issues with SNMP - area it does not help with - From COPS people - how COPS and PIBs can help manage your network - Operator experience with COPS (if any) - From POLICY people - how policy framework and tools will help manage your network - Operator experience with POLICY (if any) - Operator requirements - what are the real hot issues to be solved this year - what are the constraints within which the tools have to work - Next steps - Wrapup/Summary