Chris Stone wrote:
Barry Shein wrote:
Is it just us or are there general problems with sending email to yahoo in the past few weeks? Our queues to them are backed up though they drain slowly.
They frequently return:
421 4.7.0 [TS01] Messages from MAILSERVERIP temporarily deferred due to user complaints -; see http://postmaster.yahoo.com/421-ts01.html
(where MAILSERVERIP is one of our mail server ip addresses) .... Just wondering if this was a widespread problem or are we just so blessed, and any insights into what's going on over there.
I see this a lot also and what I see causing it is accounts on my servers that don't opt for spam filtering and they have their accounts here set to forward mail to their yahoo.com accounts - spam and everything then gets sent there - they complain to yahoo.com about the spam and bingo - email delays from here to yahoo.com accounts....
This thread got me checking logs and I just spotted several of those "deferred due to user complaints" tags. And compared to them, we're tiny. Don't know if it's widespread, but it appears you are not the only one so blessed. -- Jeff Shultz