Hello- While suggestions for denying relaying are appreciated, a majority of EarthLink members access our mail servers via POPs on the UUnet and PSI networks. Closing our servers to those networks is not possible (though they are effectively closed to relaying for all other traffic). Our Network Abuse department works closely with UUnet and PSI to identify and take action on spammers that access our servers via their POPs. Please continue to report any incidents to abuse@earthlink.net for handling on a case-by-case basis. While a personal response to mail sent to abuse@earthlink.net is not always possible, if you continue to utilize our established abuse resolution channels by forwarding the message, with full headers intact, to abuse@earthlink.net, we will continue to either take immediate action on any EarthLink accounts identified, or forward complaints along to the appropriate network(s) until action is taken on the accounts responsible. Please let me know if I can be of further assistance. At 10:28 AM 8/17/98 -0400, Adam D. McKenna wrote:
Earthlink has the following open mail relays:
gull.prod.itd.earthlink.net snipe.prod.itd.earthlink.net (a couple of other earthlink hosts, I can't remember which now, they were all in the .prod.itd.earthlink.net subdomain.)
I know this because I have been getting spammed by someone using them for the past week. I have tried e-mailing abuse@earthlink.net several times and have received no response.
I'm hoping a clueful Earthlink admin will see this post and take the appropriate action. If not, then maybe Earthlink should be "nominated" for RBL.
--Adam --- bash: syntax error near unexpected token `:)'
Adam D. McKenna adam@flounder.net
====================== Lisa Hoyt, Information Security Administrator Earthlink Network, Inc 626.296.5152 http://www.earthlink.net/company/netabuse.html http://www.earthlink.net/spam 1-888-ELN-SPAM/1-888-356-7726