On 29 Sep 2015, at 20:48 , Ca By <cb.list6@gmail.com> wrote:
On Tue, Sep 29, 2015 at 1:37 PM, David Hubbard < dhubbard@dino.hostasaurus.com> wrote:
Had an idea the other day; we just need someone with a lot of cash (google, apple, etc) to buy Netflix and then make all new releases v6-only for the first 48 hours. I bet my lame Brighthouse and Fios service would be v6-enabled before the end of the following week lol.
Yeah, i am sure VZ is going to cry a river that you cannot reach Netflix
We already slowed down IPv4 by 10-15%*, i think we can crank it down another 10-20% to punish the Luddites (AWS, Azure, Twitter, Bing, ...)
CB * https://code.facebook.com/posts/1192894270727351/ipv6-it-s-time-to-get-on-bo...
Well the good news is that Netflix does IPv6 for video content streaming, the bad news is that the IPv4 “slow down” (aka baseline) won’t make the video content go slower ;-) And yes, I guess, if we could make AWS more IPv6-ish then Netflix v6only might actually become possible for people who want to. /bz