Folks, A bit of sanity..Prefix based filtering != not caring about your backbone. Quite the reverse. As far as trusting bgp goes, most times you can, sometimes you can't. Prefix filtering is for the times you can't. Everybody remembers that those times happen, right? I believe Randy is involved in an effort to standardize another way of doing the same thing. While the registries get better and these other efforts go forward, you do the job with what you have.. If your AS is in an appropriate (your upstream providers) autnum, and the route object for the prefix is in the <pick the registry of your choice> things work without a phone call. When they don't work, our noc does a good job of helping to figure out what the problem is and getting it fixed.. That exception is the process Jon is in. Jon, sorry that you had difficulty with this prefix. However, many many new prefixes get routed over ANS without anyone calling anyone. RobS
From: "Jason L. Weisberger" <jweis@softaware.com> Subject: Re: BGP & CIDR blocks
Is it unreasonable of me to think it's awfully backwards of ANS.NET to require anyone getting a new CIDR block to physically call ANS's NOC and say "please listen to routes for this block from this AS"?
They obviously care even less about their network than we were previously led to belive.
-- Jason Weisberger Chief Technology Officer SoftAware, Inc. - 310/305-0275
"Let us cross over the river, and rest under the shade of the trees." -Thomas Jonathan "Stonewall" Jackson