-----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- On Thu, 13 Feb 1997 13:47:24 +0300 (MSK), alex@relcom.eu.net writes:
On Wed, 12 Feb 1997, Dana Hudes wrote:
Gated allows you to specify the ospf router id. AS others have mentioned so does Bay. Out of curiousity, is anyone running anything other than
I know it well (really we have few gated-based routers there). Let me to point my mind - it may be usefull to have short reserved address space in the beginning (net and the end ( or simular) address space. CISCO's router-id was used as amazing example _why it mey be usefull_.
I don't think that Internet engineering decisions should be based solely on the basis of Cisco's bad decsisions regarding their OSPF implementation. You claim that there are other reasons why reserving and are a good idea. Can you share some of these reasons? I'm not totally against reserving these networks, but I do require more convincing. [A copy of the headers and the PGP signature follow.] Date: Thu, 13 Feb 1997 08:01:01 -0600 From: "Jeffrey C. Ollie" <jeff@ollie.clive.ia.us> In-reply-to: Your message of "Thu, 13 Feb 1997 13:47:24 +0300." <Pine.SUN.3.91.970213134530.11961d-100000@virgin> Subject: Re: RFC1918 conformance To: nanog@merit.edu -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE----- Version: 2.6.2 Comment: AnySign 1.4 - A Python tool for PGP signing e-mail and news. iQCVAwUBMwMeopwkOQz8sbZFAQE4gQP+N/jvy38bdxJlsqmiRhbfT9Nga6y5R57G opT5uzRpTa2B17ikDzYUEZgmjtXKcFTj6jCNXmcNoh3Be9g5SDFqZHvaiXUrvVwG Lcorm1iSN/x2HwXfkjKBxP7b2bAvjbCJinpIQp1cWU4BJymemwX+Bjwn7zMTtkl2 4b6oeADxi+A= =nUMC -----END PGP SIGNATURE----- -- Jeffrey C. Ollie | Should Work Now (TM) Python Hacker, Mac Lover |