Now that we know it's Bobax scanning http://isc.sans.org/diary.php do we know if the source IP's are legit or spoofed? ====================================== Our Anti-spam solution works!! http://www.clickdoug.com/mailfilter.cfm For hosting solutions http://www.clickdoug.com http://www.forta.com/cf/isp/isp.cfm?isp_id=1069 ====================================== ----- Original Message ----- From: "Geo." <geoincidents@nls.net> To: <nanog@merit.edu> Sent: Tuesday, May 18, 2004 8:15 AM Subject: Port 5000 : : We are seeing many customers here probing port 5000 across the network. It : appears to be some new worm or something but I've had no luck yet in : figuring out what it is except to say norton AV detects nothing yet. : : Anyone have a clue? : : http://isc.incidents.org/port_details.php?isc=b4827221b7f45feeb0c12bc5040cab : c9&port=5000&repax=1&tarax=2&srcax=2&percent=N&days=10&Redraw=Submit+Query : : the jump in traffic is obvious. : : Geo. : : :