30 Aug
30 Aug
8:01 a.m.
On Tue, Aug 29, 2000 at 10:43:08PM -0400, Bennett Todd wrote: [snip]
Same goes for ftp as far as I know.
ftp can't be name-virtual-hosted. It is also such a wretched protocol that it urgently needs to be retired in all settings for all purposes.
Theoretically, you could do the same with ftp as with pop3 - use usernames like 'user@domain.com'. Greetz, Peter. -- [ircoper] petervd@vuurwerk.nl - Peter van Dijk / Hardbeat [student] Undernet:#groningen/wallops | IRCnet:/#alliance [developer] _____________ [disbeliever - the world is backwards] (__VuurWerk__(--*-