Any thoughts on this: http://www.convergedigest.com/Bandwidth/newnetworksarticle.asp?ID=16437 --- <snip> The applicants committed, for a period of three years, to maintain settlement-free peering arrangements with at least as many providers of Internet backbone services as they did in combination on the Merger Closing Dates. The applicants committed for a period of two years to post their peering policies on publicly accessible websites. During this two-year period, the applicants will post any revisions to their peering policies on a timely basis as they occur. ---- </snip> Published SFI peering policies are nice, but the overlap in SFI peering between each pair of merging carriers may require them to peer with additional networks. For example, there is some overlap between SBC and AT&T in regards to SFI peers. This might require the combined network to interconnect with additional networks to MAINTAIN the overall number of SFI peers. I guess its a good time to apply to 701 for SFI, although it appears the number of slots are limited to some unknown (and probably low) number. Gentlefolk, start your engines :) Can anyone else think of regulatory restrictions previously placed on SFI relationships in North America? I realize this is more like a consent decree than true regulation, but its an interesting move by the regulators. Regulation is generally a bad thing, but publishing SFI requirements - and even SFI relationships - won't hurt anyone, IMHO. -- Daniel Golding