Andrew, Is your definition of home-as the RIPE definition?
Home-AS still has meansing for a classless net; just as it does for a classfull one.
How do you designate home-as for 194.16/16 from 194.16.16/24? 194.16/16 was assigned to organizationX and indicated that the home-as was 701. Then organizationX gave 194.16.16/24 to companyY who has their own AS 702. Now the assignment registry can be updated to show these changes in home-AS.
Routing table entries should have some idea of the 'creator' of that entry. Home-AS or aggregator or some such seems to be the most useful. --asp@uunet.uu.net (Andrew Partan)
But when the classless thingy is routed, home-AS and aggregator-AS can be inconsistent or there can even be multiple creators of aggregation. So I am not sure that home-AS means the same thing for classless entities - or perhaps we need another concept which acknowledges a classless entity may be included in several supersets all of which have different aggregator-ASs. If your definition permits multiple home-as tags per classless net, then you have answered my question. Thanks. --Elise