Peering Coordinators attending NANOG in Las Vegas - We have a very exciting (and very full) Peering BOF agenda...Let me give you a flavor for what we are doing this year. At 9PM we'll start out with a "State of the Peering Internet" and, with the audience, identify a few key trends and the most pressing issues of the Peering Coordinator Community. Next we repeat last year's highly successful "Great Debate", this time on the topic of "Remote Peering : the good vs. the bad and the ugly". Remote Peering is peering without a local physical presence : tunneling ethernet frames across the ocean over MPLS into a peering fabric for example. Stephen Wilcox has graciously stepped up to present the con position - the bad and the ugly of remote peering. I have a couple volunteers to present the pro position, but I would prefer to have a Peering Coordinator that is actually using remote peering to advocate its use. If noone volunteers I have two backup debaters that have agreed to present the pro side of the debate and to debate Stephen on this matter. At the end, the audience will vote by show of hands for who made the more compelling case. If anyone would like to volunteer a prize for the winner please let me know ;-) Next, Richard Steenbergen will briefly share his Peering Coordinator community work with peeringdb.com, a resource for Peering Coordinators to obtain and share contact information. We will finish off with the Peering Personals, a chance for Peering Coordinators to introduce themselves to the group, talk about their network, what they are looking for in a peer, where they peer, their AS# and contact info, etc. I will use the RSVP form below to make sure that the relevant information is ready for Peering Coordinators in the audience to jot down in case they don't meet up with the speaker. We have found in the past that Peering Personals is very effective in facilitating peering. If you are a Peering Coordinator and would like to participate in Peering Personals, it is a great way for others to put a face to a network and AS, and to meet the North American Peering Coordinator Community. Please fill out the following form and e-mail to me (wbn@equinix.com). We only have time for about 10 Peering Coordinators, so please respond asap: Name: Email: Title: Company: AS#: Check each that applies: ___ We are an ISP (sell access to the Internet) --OR-- ___ We are a Non-ISP (content company, etc.) ___ We are Content-Heavy --OR-- ___ We are Access-Heavy ___ Peering with Content Players or Content Heavy ISPs is OK by us ___ We generally require peering in multiple locations OR ___ We will peer with anyone in any single location ___ We have huge volumes of traffic (lots of users and/or lots of content) (huge: > 1 Gbps total outbound traffic to peers and transit providers) ___ We have a global network ___ We require Contracts for Peering Current Peering Locations: _______________________ Planned (3-6 mos) Peering Locations: _______________________________ After the BOF we will break for beers and exchange of business cards. Bill