Been at a place where they have hundreds of APC's in production, all monitored and reporting back. Hardly a lick of trouble. Love the fact you can reboot the management interface in the rare case there is a hang and it does not affect the status of the outlets. -ChrisD. -----Original Message----- From: shawn wilson [mailto:ag4ve.us@gmail.com] Sent: Sunday, June 23, 2013 10:38 AM To: North American Network Operators Group Subject: PDU recommendations We currently use Triplite stuff but they've got an issue where after a few minutes, they stop accepting new tcp connections. We're adding a new 30A circuit and I'm thinking of going with APC (ran them in the past and never had any issues). However, I figured I'd see if there was a better brand / specific model recommendations for quality or bang / buck? Specs: 30A 24+ port 0U, managed (with ssh), lcd use display.