24 Mar
24 Mar
6:20 p.m.
On Wed, Mar 24, 2004 at 10:06:19AM -0800, Steve Francis wrote:
e.g. an easy way to dig up what the changes that occured on a system were for, who did them, etc. Obviously rancid et al shows us what changed when, but not the change plan that was responsbile or what problem it solved.
An internal Wiki with a page dedicated to each machine or machine-class. There's good integration between TWiki and Bugzilla, but we have the classic dichotomy of ticket systems vs bug-trackers: Bugzilla is better for software, RT is better for hardware and networks. Wikis greatly increase the retention and availability of knowledge: they are easy to use, so people *do* use them; they are easy to search, so people do that, too. -dsr-