Seems like if the c14 was connected to a 240v PDU the 5-15 would deliver 240v to the equipment, arc/pop tripping the breaker on the PDU as soon as it is connected killing power to everything on that PDU.
Well, the latter half of that is making all sorts of assumptions. Your typical 208V 20A circuit is capable of delivering watts roughly equivalent to a 120V 30A circuit; if whatever is being destroyed is beefy enough to momentarily short out that much power, yes, the breaker should trip, but in many cases, a power supply might only be designed to handle a hundred watts or so, and who knows what component leads, PCB traces, components, etc., might burn out quickly before the PDU breaker really "notices."
Or am I missing something, Also hard to believe it is UL since the c14 is rated 125/250v and well captain obvious says the 5-15 125v max.
It is UL when used in the intended manner. Note that it is marketed as a monitor feedthrough power adapter (or something like that) - not a 208V-to-120V converter dongle. There are many examples of things you *can* do that are hazardous with UL listed devices. UL listing mainly means that something isn't all that dangerous (from an insurance perspective, at that). Consider, for example, that you can plug a household extension cord (UL listed, 14ga, ~13A @ 120V) into a 20 amp circuit, and then plug in 16 amps worth of stuff, and watch the cord heat. It isn't UL rated for such use. ... JG -- Joe Greco - sol.net Network Services - Milwaukee, WI - http://www.sol.net "We call it the 'one bite at the apple' rule. Give me one chance [and] then I won't contact you again." - Direct Marketing Ass'n position on e-mail spam(CNN) With 24 million small businesses in the US alone, that's way too many apples.