Hello, longtime lurker here, an acquaintance is looking for lat/long data and I thought this group might not object to this request. (if you do, it's my fault, not that of Anselm). -Randy Fischer ---------- Forwarded message ---------- From: Anselm Hook Date: Wed, Feb 3, 2010 at 1:14 PM Subject: [Geowanking] model of the internet - need data Hi folks, I'm looking for a map of the Internet. A friend wants to project this onto a spinny globe. I've found several pictoral representations but I'm looking a raw data-set that geographically locates major routers and servers. In an ideal world I'd get a database that indicates { ip address, amount of traffic, longitude, latitude, connected to other ip addresses } and then I could draw my own picture. Databases I have seen do not include longitude and latitude which I something I would need. Any leads? I suppose even just given IP addresses I could guess longitude and latitude location... which wouldn't be ideal but perhaps would be acceptable. Here's what I've seen so far, http://www.opte.org/ -> I'll try reach out to these folks since they seem to have the best data and are nearby. http://www.technologyreview.com/Infotech/18944/?a=f http://www.chrisharrison.net/projects/InternetMap/ Thanks for any input! - @anselm @wherecamp