Though I do not have a specific solution for you, your Campus -> Building -> Floor -> Room hierarchiy will work for managing the actual equipment. If you want to deal with layer2 and up, (channel, segment, subnet) I would recommend listing Switch -> VLAN ->Port, and make it compatible with Router -> Subnet, and for the actual wireless segments, use GIS information, whereby you enumerate the wireless networks by B/SSID (if they are wavelans), link that information with your switching information, and then walk around with a laptop, wireless card, and a GPS and calculate the range of each access point, and put the results on a map using GRASS, or HUGO . On Wed, 12 Dec 2001, Eric Gauthier wrote: :Date: Wed, 12 Dec 2001 15:18:59 -0500 :From: Eric Gauthier <eric@roxanne.org> :To: nanog@merit.edu :Subject: Cabling databases and wireless networks : : :Hello, : :The institution that I work for is rolling out wireless services on our :campus which spans about a 10x10 block area. We currently have a pretty :robust cable management database for tracking and relating our wired runs, :switch ports, subnets, and physical rooms. We're trying now to figure out :how to handle and document our wireless deployments with the same type :of information and relationships. : :The problem that I see is that our database is structured around a :relationship hierarchy of Campus -> Building -> Floor -> Room, where each :item is a sub category of the one before it with no knowledge of adjacencies. :For example, the database might know that room 300 and room 301 are both on :the 3rd floor, but it doesn't understand if they are next to each other :nor if room 401 is above 301. This seems like it will become more and :more important since, with wireless gear, we're looking at coverage :areas instead of lit wall outlets. : :Has anyone else tackled this yet or is there any good software out :there to track this? : :Thanks : :Eric :) : -- -- batz Reluctant Ninja Defective Technologies